Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Apparently blogging about one's abroad experience is a pretty big deal these days, and seeing as my next 365 days will be spent in the Facebook-devoid People's Republic, I will be jumping on the blogger bandwagon as well! I don't know exactly what or how often I will post on here, but I'm gonna guess it will be some combination of amusing anecdotes, tons of pictures, the occasional homesick breakdown/rant about who-knows-what, and genreal comments on my adventures in the Middle Kingdom. Follow along and it might be like I never really left! (Because, of course, that IS what we all want, right? :P)

Not too much time for blogging today, though - there's still alot to be done in the next 19 hours!

But stay tuned, dear reader, there will be plenty more in the days/weeks/months to come!


  1. yaaay! i love blogs. and i definitely look forward to following yours!! you can bet i will be checking this with some frequency, so update away. :)
    also, feel free to check out mine:

  2. You know that "Blogger.com" might also be blocked in China...

    Welcome to the "Middle Kingdom"!

  3. Well, we'll see! If it is I will have to work out another solution to my communication dilemma, but I'll have to worry about that when I get there...in about 23 hours! :/

    Bye bye America!

  4. YAYYYY I can't wait to read what you post, Michelle! I mish you alreadyy...

  5. Good luck in the Middle Kingdom, just remember the "Inner Grrrrrrr!" and all will be well!
